Works Cited
Chromosome X


Turner Syndrome

Klinefelter Syndrome

Adrenoleukodystrophy Protein

Androgen Receptor Protein

Works Cited


I would like to remind viewers that this website was created solely for the purpose of an AP Biology Project.  Please do not reference this website for any reason.  Thank you for visiting. Come again!

Below are the references I used in order to create this website.  A heartfelt thank you is due to these great websites!

"Canadian Hemophilia Society". 2004. Canadian Hemophilia Society. 10  

       Nov. 2004. <>.

"Chromosome Browser". 2004. The Wellcome Trust. 10 Nov. 2004.



"". 2003., Inc. 10 Nov. 2004.


"Genboree". 2003. Bioinformatics Research Laboratory. 10 Nov. 2004.


"GeneCRC". 2004. Murdoch Childrens Research Institute. 10 Nov 2004.


"Genetic Science Learning Center". 2004. The University of Utah. 10 Nov. 

      2004. < 


"". 2001. Health Plan of New York. 10 Nov. 2004.  



"MBBNet". 1996. University of Minnesota Medical School. 10 Nov. 2004.


"NiceProt View of Swiss-Prot: P10275". 2004. Expasy Proteomics Server.

       10 Nov. 2004. <>.

"The Pathology Guy". 2002. The Pathology Guy. 10 Nov. 2004.


"Turner Syndrome Society of the United States". 2003. Turner Syndrome

       Society of the United States. 10 Nov. 2004. <http://www.turner->.

"University of Virginia Information Technology and Communication". 2004.

       University of Virginia. 10 Nov. 2004. <http://www.people.>.

"WebMD Health". 2004. Healthwise, Incorporated. 10 Nov. 2004.


"X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy Database". 1999. Human Genome

       Variation Society. 10 Nov. 2004. <


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